OpenPlant Modeler Help

PS Toggles

Used to toggle the toolbar that contains commonly used ProStructures settings which can be quickly turned on or off.

Accessed from:
Enable ProStructures Snaps When checked, enables snapping to OpenPlant Modeler insertion points. These are ten cardinal points at start, middle, end of steel shapes, concrete beams, and concrete columns while honoring the default "Keypoint Snap Divisor".
Enable ProStructures Legacy Snaps When checked, enables snapping to centerline points at the start, middle, and end of steel shapes. Disabled when is checked.
Enable ProStructures Tooltip When checked, enables the display of tooltip comments on snaps. The tooltip is context sensitive and can be configured by editing the …\prg\tooltips.ini file in the OpenPlant Modeler installation folder.
Stretch Along ECS Axis Limits snaps to the centerline of the member using standard snaps.
Enable Select Group as Whole When checked, groups are selected as a whole. When un-checked, individual elements are selected individually.